Enerjy EP
Out May 17, 2024

Singer, actress and cultural conduit for peace, Liraz releases a new collection of four songs,primed with an intensity and a raw musical revolt, energising the Middle Eastern musicallandscape, sung in Farsi and driven by her deep desire for positive energy and much neededglobal harmony and light.
Born in Israel with Iranian roots, Liraz’s world balances on and revolves around multiple cultural circles. An actor andsinger Liraz released her third and latest album Roya on Glitterbeat Records in 2022, an exhilarating blend of retro-Persian sonics, recorded in secrecy in Istanbul with her band from Tel Aviv and risk-defying Iranian musicians fromTehran. A year prior, her album Zan gave rise to the Songlines award for Best Artist leading to multiple internationaltours and billing on festivals like Roskilde, Womad & Rio Loco in Brazil.
Her new EP, all sung in Farsi is a ride. Lead single Haarf which translates to ‘talk’ is part disco, part rock ‘n roll withits synth lines all enriched with a pan-middle eastern touch drawing influence from Liraz’s musical worlds but just asimportant to the outcome was Liraz’s band. She explains, “I like to reveal the different layers of each person in my band.
We’re all from different backgrounds and cultures and we’ve grown up in a complex country (Israel). We beganwriting ‘Haarf’ together, in a colourful time, which quickly changed and got a lot darker”.
Outspoken about her desire for peace in theconflict between Israel and Palestine, thesong Haarf, alludes to the danger of ‘talk’, andnonsense narratives on social media or othermedias that has dominated and driven the war.Indeed, it is this rise, globally, of online and realworld and judgemental rhetoric that divides usand creates divisions, that the song refers to.
The prose from the remaining tracks take amore reflective and relationship approach yetmusically continues where Haarf left off, withgarage rhythms, snappy snare drums, cosmicsynths and of course Liraz’s exquisite vocals, allsung in Farsi.
An artist, actor and dedicated Mom, the futureholds many uncertainties, personally andglobally but with poetry books of Rumi andHafez under her arms, and with a crack bandof her favourite musicians to hand, Liraz willcontinue with her defiant, women-centric andpeace promoting call outs. Quite simply, “Nowis the time to change the energy frequency”.